Crisis currency

Madam, – I write to propose that in future reporting of the excesses of the great and the good in our society, you adopt a new…

Madam, – I write to propose that in future reporting of the excesses of the great and the good in our society, you adopt a new unit of currency, for example the cost of giving a cervical cancer vaccination to a young girl. Let us assume a rate of exchange of 1 CCV to €100. Now we can grasp the obscenity of the €500,000 spent by Mr O’Donoghue over the past years and the €600,000 spent by Fás for the advert that has never been used. For €1 million, some 10,000 young women could be assured that they will not die of cervical cancer. – Yours, etc,


Eglinton Road,

Dublin 4.