Crisis in Gaza

Sir, – Noel Leahy (August 7th) scoffs at the comparison made by David Stewart between Israeli control of the occupied territories and the apartheid system in pre-1992 South Africa.

Mr Leahy obviously is an authority in this area and no doubt knows best. But what other word better describes a situation where two peoples dwell on the same land yet are forcibly segregated from each other, and where one group dominates the other?

When Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu visited the holy lands they immediately recognised the Israeli apartheid system, and called it as such, as have many prominent Israelis, including a former attorney general, scholars, legislators, newspaper editors and representatives of human rights organisations.

Mr Leahy might read Jimmy Carter's book entitled Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, in which the former president also clearly identifies the Israeli apartheid system.


But Mr Leahy might be able to set him straight on this. – Yours, etc,


Kelly’s Bay Moorings,


Co Dublin

Sir, – Observing Saturday’s march to the Israeli embassy, one thing was noticeable by its absence: calls for Hamas to accept a ceasefire. In the last few days Hamas has continued to reject ceasefire proposals and has persisted in firing rockets. By refusing to condemn Hamas these protesters are tacitly endorsing these actions. Ultimately, it is the ordinary people of Gaza who will suffer. Yours, etc,


Lower Rathmines Road,

Dublin 6

Sir, – In the last 12 years, 30 Israelis were killed by missiles from Gaza, while a further 4,000 died on the roads. – Yours, etc,


Cnoc an Stollaire,

Gaoth Dobhair,

Co Donegal