Crisis In Indonesian

Sir, - Suharto was removed by people's power - the efforts of rank and file Indonesians, who had grown weary of the corruption…

Sir, - Suharto was removed by people's power - the efforts of rank and file Indonesians, who had grown weary of the corruption and tyranny inflicted upon them for over 30 years by this despot.

There is a lesson here for the millions, particularly those in some African countries, who are subjugated and treated more like animals than humans by their corrupt regimes. Don't wait for the West to come to your assistance - it won't happen - unless of course it is politically or economically advantageous to that Western power to intervene.

Hopefully, beleaguered citizens of dictatorships around the world may now take courage from the example of the Indonesian people and free themselves from tyranny. - Yours, etc., John O'Shea

GOAL, PO Box 19, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.