Critical differences

Madam, - While I accept that personal taste has a huge bearing on the reception of a film, it feels rather inconsistent to have…

Madam, - While I accept that personal taste has a huge bearing on the reception of a film, it feels rather inconsistent to have two Irish Times colleagues diverging so wildly about the same picture.

In The Ticket last Friday, Donald Clarke interviews Ricky Gervais, calling him a "comic performer of some genius" and referring to his new film Ghost Town as a "superb romantic comedy". Wonderful: I'll buy some tickets.

Flip on six pages, however, and Michael Dwyer is lambasting the film as dull and unremarkable. Right. So I think I'll just make my own mind up again, safe in the knowledge that film reviews are more about the personal taste of one person than an objective review of what's on the screen. - Yours, etc,



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