Cross-Border Exchanges

Sir, - Last May a delegation from the British Irish Interparliamentary Body visited the High School, Rathgar, to discuss and …

Sir, - Last May a delegation from the British Irish Interparliamentary Body visited the High School, Rathgar, to discuss and investigate our experience in a multi-denominational environment. While they were here, members of the delegation heard reports of our participation in Co-operation North Cross-Border exchanges and projects over a period of ten years.

We were asked for suggestions which could contribute to the development of better community relationships in Northern Ireland and better relationships between the people of Northern Ireland and those of the Republic. Among the ideas put forward was a large investment in increasing the opportunities for the sort of project in which we were involved.

I congratulate the governments of Ireland, Britain and the United States on developing just such a programme and on the commitment reported in The Irish Times last week to spend £2 million on funding it. I also commend their wisdom in placing the administration of the programme under the control of Co-operation North, since our experience has been so positive. - Yours, etc., Brian Duffy,

Principal, The High School, Rathgar, Dublin 6.