Sir, - As a 17 year old who was at the Fugees' concert on Ocltober 23rd, I was both surprised and shocked at the scene

Sir, - As a 17 year old who was at the Fugees' concert on Ocltober 23rd, I was both surprised and shocked at the scene. As the lead singer came down to the barrier there was a major push forward, and I witnessed girls fall to the ground and being trampled on. Other things such as "crowd surfing" occurred, despite the many notices up and security stopping it through the whole night.

I feel that the staff at The Point did its best on the night, while the band did incite a lot of the trouble. How many more incidents such as this have to happen until some real action is taken? I feel that the only solution to prevent crushing at these concerts is either to make them all seating, or divide those standing into sections, so that there will not be approximately 2,000 people pushing into each other. - Yours, etc,

Dundrum Road,

Dublin 14.