Cuchulainn In The GPO

Sir, - I am one of the Irish diaspora who returns once a year to Dublin to renew myself

Sir, - I am one of the Irish diaspora who returns once a year to Dublin to renew myself. Every time I come back I go to the GPO and look at Cuchulainn for a few minutes. Ever since I was a child I have thought this statue very beautiful and very moving. One of my uncles had a miniature replica of it and for many years now I have been on the look-out for one.

Although I can understand why the statue had been placed behind glass, I find it frustrating to try to view it through a haze of reflections. To view it from within the GPO means only to see the back of it. This is a very important matter and I wish the problem might be addressed and some other more satisfactory way of displaying it found.

I am also bemused by the fact that no postcards of Cuchulainn are available and I think this is a great shame. - Yours, etc., Patricia Anne Burgess,

Islingword Street, Brighton, England.