Culling Seals

Sir, - Arthur Reynolds (September 7th), has unfortunately let his emotions run away and has not concentrated on scientific facts…

Sir, - Arthur Reynolds (September 7th), has unfortunately let his emotions run away and has not concentrated on scientific facts. Seals are not vermin. They are a protected species. In fact the grey seal (most common around our coasts) is the world's first protected species. To say that seals have no natural predators shows a lack of knowledge of the marine ecosystem. Orca are natural predators of seals. The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group will confirm the presence and feeding of orca in Irish waters.

Bord Iascaigh Mhara's latest report cites crabs, seabirds and other fish as greater consumers of commercial fish than seals. It is pointless to state the yearly estimated tonnage of fish consumed by Scottish seals. Outdated Scottish facts have as much bearing to Irish fishermen as a Scottish weather forecast has to Irish farmers. Emotional outbursts by people such as Arthur Reynolds don't do justice to the needs or intelligence of fishermen. - Yours, etc.,

Terry Flanagan, Chairman, Irish Seal Sanctuary, Garristown, Co Dublin.