Cyclists, motorists and road safety

Sir, – The impression held by some motorists that they own the road may go some way to explaining the aggression of some drivers towards cyclists. Many, if not most, cyclists are also drivers, and so pay motor taxes and are perfectly entitled to use the road, especially when cycle paths are in a state of disrepair, or are non-existent. In fact, the payment of such taxes is a red herring since road building and maintenance are subsidised from the central exchequer. While not excusing bad cyclist behaviour (all cyclists should of course behave with respect and kindness on the roads, as should everyone else), inconsiderate behaviour on the road by cyclists may lead to some annoyance or maybe even a minor injury, whereas inconsiderate behaviour on the road by motorists may lead to serious injury or death, which could explain why non-motorists hurl abuse when they nearly get run over.

If you spend more on your car, it does not give you increased ownership of the road nor the right to behave as you like on it. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.