Damaging democracy

Sir, - The conduct of Irish politics today leaves a lot to be desired

Sir, - The conduct of Irish politics today leaves a lot to be desired. Having to listen via TV and radio reports to the same monotonous droning with persistent determination by the Opposition in the Dail, until the last drop of venom is spent, is irritating. Instead of concentrating on business in need of urgent attention, e.g. stagnating health services, housing crises, and desperate pleas to aid the plight of the disabled and mentally handicapped, they revel in squabbling and sniping in a one-upmanship game.

Why have TDs over the years created and developed a Dail reminiscent of a venomous snake pit? Each member when in Opposition is hell-bent on spewing more venom than his neighbouring snakes, usually in a personalised fashion. Neither impressive nor edifying in the national parliament, this conduct breeds disrespect and cynicism for TDs and what is termed their "shenanigans" in Dail Eireann.

Genuine opposition is of course necessary, but opportunistic and sometimes manufactured opposition is arid and corrosive to State institutions. Relentlessly parsing and analysing who said or did what, when, and where is not what the electorate requires of TDs. Precious Dail time and money are wasted pursuing such matters, which have little relevance to the public, for weeks on end.

The foundation of Dail Eireann was paid for by the blood of the men of 1916. Let us no longer tolerate the abuse and dishonour presently shown to the Dail and their memory. - Yours, etc., Patricia Ryan,


Rosemount Avenue, Artane, Dublin 5