Dangers of exotic pets

Madam, - I wish to raise the issue of the importation of exotic species into Ireland. We are an island nation

Madam, - I wish to raise the issue of the importation of exotic species into Ireland. We are an island nation. If we continue to import foreign species both illegally and legally through pet shops, we will very soon have naturalisation of serious pests such as snakes, moles and possibly even dangerous species like the cane toad, which is currently destroying ecosystems in Northern Australia.

Ireland, like New Zealand, is snake-free. New Zealand has strict laws prohibiting the importation of non-native species - snakes are not permitted even for the zoos.

With our rising winter temperatures in this country - where exotic species could survive in the wild - we should consider a total ban.- Yours, etc,

ADAM GOODWIN, Bushfield, Castledermot, Co Kildare.