Day of prayer for abuse survivors

Sir, – The recent announcement that the Catholic Bishops of Ireland are planning a day of prayer for survivors of sexual abuse would leave one wondering if the bishops have a selective memory. This announcement coincides with the recent revelation that religious institutions in Ireland have yet to pay fully their share of redress payments made to survivors of residential institutions abuse. The figure they owe to the State is estimated at €245 million.

Would the bishops not be better off standing down their lawyers and layers of defensive mechanisms to free up their assets for these payments? Sadly, they and the church in general have no problem in praying for victims while on the other hand short-changing the State that has paid out to the victims. While they continually pontificate about other issues such as homelessness and poverty, the State is short €245 million in funds that could be used to funds services for these very issues.

Given such hypocrisy, it is no wonder that there continues to be a fall-off in Mass attendances and an increase in apathy towards any pronouncements coming from the church. – Yours, etc,



Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.