Dealing With Immigration

Sir, - Two letters (Pat Brady and Aidan Devon) referred to a basic tenet of Judaism and Christianity - to love your neighbour…

Sir, - Two letters (Pat Brady and Aidan Devon) referred to a basic tenet of Judaism and Christianity - to love your neighbour as yourself. The original version of this, recorded in Chapter 19 of Leviticus, immediately follows the related injunctions, so relevant today: "you shall not hate hour kinsman in your heart . . . you shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk."

Ms Ni Chonaill will doubtless be familiar with the extension of these precepts, occuring a few verses later: "When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. He shall be to you as one of your citizens." - Yours, etc.,

David Sowby,

Knocksinna Crescent, Dublin 18.