Deals to form a new government

Sir, – Voting on day 69 for a new government and an old Taoiseach should, according to numerology bring about idealism, family, health, harmony and compassion.

In Chinese philosophy the number 69 also stands for Ying and Yang which describes how the opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary – this describes the new Government perfectly.

– Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.

Sir, – Politicians are to return to their work after this long sojourn. I am a recent retiree from the teaching profession, and one of the 50,000 that marched and held an anti-tax rally in Croke Park in the very early 1980s.

It is hard to stomach that some senior civil servant, presumably on government orders deducted, 1/365th of the lump sum paid to retirees, which also affects pension.

Will this same yardstick be applied to the politicians’ absence from duty – irrespective of the spin about presence in the building put on it – or are all civil servants equal but some more equal than others?

Perhaps the mills of the Government grind slowly but when they grind they do it finely!

– Yours, etc,



Co Clare.

Sir, – It is with disbelief, well, not really, but certainly horror that it is now clear that our response to climate change does not feature in the programme for government.

Even rural communities must realise we have now had two cold and dry springs and that anomalies in the weather are becoming the norm.

Ireland still has an enviable reputation internationally for our approach to development work and care for the weakest communities in other parts of the world who are now suffering to a much greater extent already than we are from climate change.

Morally, as a country, we could be a world leader in tackling this problem which is clearly heading to become much worse, if only we had political leaders with imagination, courage, and, critically, the capacity to see further ahead than the next election.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.