Death Of Jim Kemmy

Sir, - In the l980s I had heated differences of opinion on certain moral issues with Jim Kemmy in this paper and elsewhere

Sir, - In the l980s I had heated differences of opinion on certain moral issues with Jim Kemmy in this paper and elsewhere. In recent years we became good friends, our common interest being the well-being of our native city of Limerick. He often told me that he held no bitterness towards me, or anyone else who held opposite views to his own. He added: "Bitterness destroys people".He had a keen sense of humour. Last year, over a drink, he told me I had the best 17th-century mind he had ever met. On Monday, I prayed for him at his graveside. I don't think Jim would have minded. - Yours, etc.,From Dominic JohnsonGlenstal Abbey, Co Limerick.