Debate On Abortion

Sir, - A recent report from Mary Robinson's agency, the UN Commission on Human Rights, urges the removal of all restrictions …

Sir, - A recent report from Mary Robinson's agency, the UN Commission on Human Rights, urges the removal of all restrictions on the advocacy or advertising of abortion.

It will be recalled that the UN Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was made in response to the gross abuses of fundamental human rights which the world had just experienced. Many of these abuses were with full legal authority.

It is a chilling thought that the UN Commission on Human Rights, established to give effect to that declaration, should itself now be calling for easier access to information intended to lead to the extinction of the right to life of a particular class of person, i.e. the unborn. - Yours, etc.,

Donal O'Driscoll, 33 Dargle Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin.