Debate On Abortion

Sir, - While I am sure that Julia Heffernan of Life (July 8th) is perfectly sincere, it does seem to me that her figures are …

Sir, - While I am sure that Julia Heffernan of Life (July 8th) is perfectly sincere, it does seem to me that her figures are based on a self-selected and hence unrepresentative sample. Surely an organisation whose core belief is that abortion is always wrong is bound to turn up a higher than average figure for post-abortion distress - partly because women who come to them probably have some sympathy with their views anyway (and hence are more likely to feel guilt), and partly because the ethos of the organisation must affect the counselling. Women who are pro-choice by belief are unlikely to go near them.

Incidentally, I suspect that the Marie Stopes clinics would be profoundly offended by the suggestion that they would encourage women to have abortions for their own financial gain! - Yours, etc.,

Bass Tyrrell, Clonakilty, Co Cork.