Debate On Abortion

Sir, - Olivia Webb (August 7th) states that "it is ironic indeed that those who write letters expressing the most vehement opposition…

Sir, - Olivia Webb (August 7th) states that "it is ironic indeed that those who write letters expressing the most vehement opposition to the right to choose should be men". I think Ms Webb may be suffering from selective memory.

Over the years in this publication, as in others, women's letters have been to the fore in recognising abortion for what it is, the killing of a human being.

That more women oppose abortion than men is backed up by countless opinion polls published over the years. I think the reason is that abortion lets men off the hook. If there is no baby, there are no child maintenance payments or other responsibilities to worry about. Men can then go on their merry, irresponsible way and leave the woman to pick up the pieces after the abortion.

By the way, the catch phrase, "the right to choose" is always left hanging in mid-air. "The right to choose what?" would be a good rejoinder to this empty expression. If the phrase is completed, then perhaps more people will think of what they are saying. - Yours, etc.,


Loretta O'Connor, Halldene Grove, Bishopstown, Cork.