Debate on Civil Partnership Bill

Madam, - Noel Whelan (Opinion Analysis, July 5th) says Senator Jim Walsh is out of step with his own Fianna Fáil party on the…

Madam, - Noel Whelan (Opinion Analysis, July 5th) says Senator Jim Walsh is out of step with his own Fianna Fáil party on the matter of same-sex unions.

Instead of criticising Senator Walsh for his views, Noel Whelan might explain why the same Fianna Fáil party was badly out of step with the country in the Lisbon Treaty Referendum. Of course, Fine Gael, Labour, the Greens and the PDs were equally out of touch. The same parties are trying to push the country into accepting a same-sex partnership Bill.

It will come as a surprise to these parties that this issue is of interest to only a small number of people. It would be more in their line if they concentrated on dealing with the economy. - Yours, etc,

PAT NALLY, Walshestown, Mullingar, Co Westmeath.