Debate on EU Constitution

Madam, - In response to an article in your edition of February 18th by Mr Richard Sinnott and Mr Fiachra Kennedy and your accompanying…

Madam, - In response to an article in your edition of February 18th by Mr Richard Sinnott and Mr Fiachra Kennedy and your accompanying Editorial, I would like to assure your readers that the Government is fully aware of the need to develop greater public awareness of the European Constitution and is taking the necessary steps to do this.

I very much agree with your view that voters learn more through argument and debate than from passive information. That debate, in which Government parties and, I hope, all political parties will play leading roles, will follow naturally from the publication of the Referendum Bill on which work is well advanced.

The publication of the Bill will allow for the establishment of the Referendum Commission, which will be well resourced to fulfil its task of informing the public.

The media too, have a vital role to play in informing the public, and I welcome your coverage of the debate and discussion which has already commenced, most notably in the Forum on Europe.


We will be publishing a full White Paper on the Constitution, as well as providing explanatory factual information to the public. Much material is already available from the website

The text of the Constitution can be read there, and printed copies will be available, free of charge, to the public.

I strongly support the European Constitution because it will lead to a more effective, more transparent Europe - a Europe which can function better, which makes more visible and enhances the rights of citizens, and one whose objectives, values and governing principles are clearly set out. - Yours, etc.,

Mr NOEL TREACY, TD, Minister for European Affairs, Government Buildings, Dublin 2.