Debate on EU enlargement

Madam, - I would like to clarify two aspects of Jamie Smyth's interview with EC President José Manuel Barroso

Madam, - I would like to clarify two aspects of Jamie Smyth's interview with EC President José Manuel Barroso. France does not seek nor "attempt" to "modify accession criteria": these remain unchanged for the candidate countries. What France proposed was to open the debate within the Union itself.

As a union, we should reflect on our own capacity to welcome new members - our degree of preparation, the consequences of enlargement on EU common policies, the budget, and decision-making. This is common sense, and both the European Council and the European Parliament have indeed endorsed this process. As President Barroso rightly points out to Mr Smyth, political decisions on the future of Europe should be "based on the capacity of integration" of the EU.

France never attempted to "introduce a geographical border to the Union". Such a proposal simply does not exist. The fact that the EU identity has become a topic for public debate in France and other member-states is another matter. To imply that France tabled such a proposal for consideration by its partners is incorrect. - Yours, etc,

FRÉDÉRIC GRASSET, Ambassador of France, Dublin.