Debate On Refugees

Sir, - We protest in the strongest possible terms at the title of the debate at The Irish Times All-Ireland inter-university …

Sir, - We protest in the strongest possible terms at the title of the debate at The Irish Times All-Ireland inter-university debating finals held in UCC on February 22nd. The title of the debate was: "Should all refugees leave Ireland?" This was a trivialisation of a very serious issue. Imagine the uproar that would have ensued if the title of the debate was: "Should all Jews leave Ireland?"

Racism is a very serious problem in modern Irish society and debating racism in this fashion contributes further to the promotion of racist sentiments. Of course it will be argued that because the motion was opposed then holding the debate was OK. That will be of little comfort to a refugee who has been the victim of racial abuse from people who after attending the debate believed they were justified in holding racist attitudes. Immigrant Solidarity is in particular disappointed that The Irish Times, which has in the past opposed racism, would sponsor a debate at which racist attitudes were publicly advocated. - Yours, etc.,

Joe Guerin, Immigration Solidarity, PO Box 178, Cork.