Deirdre Foley and Clerys

Sir, – Deirdre Foley's statement (Seen & Heard, August 1st) that it would be impossible for the likes of Clerys to survive nowadays is interesting but hardly complete.

Ms Foley is the woman behind D2 Investments, one of the backers of Natrium, which bought Clerys in June last year. She omits to say that in “today’s environment” profit and its realisation take priority, so that ethical and moral issues are subordinated to it. It is therefore no wonder that the likes of Clerys do not survive.

Let us hope that the intention, as reported, to “create 1,400 jobs” will bring comfort, solace and the restoration of legitimate rights and entitlements to the 467 people who lost their jobs and security of employment . – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.