Dermot Ahern, SF and coalition

A chara, - In labelling Dermot Ahern's recent statement about coalition with Sinn Féin an "unfortunate gaffe", Sean and Roisin…

A chara, - In labelling Dermot Ahern's recent statement about coalition with Sinn Féin an "unfortunate gaffe", Sean and Roisin Whelan (October 16th) betray a "lack of understanding of realpolitik" not on the Minister's part, but on their own.

It has long been a contention of the DUP that if it is expected to coalesce with the Provisionals, the parties "down South" should do so as well. Dermot Ahern is no fool and his adept and shrewd handling of the situation - and the knee-jerk reactions from elements of the Opposition, the media and indeed his own party - are reminiscent of the criticism of John Hume when he undertook a similarly bold initiative over a decade ago.

The economic policies of Marxism have no place in government and the Taoiseach knows that well. Senator John Minihan, Mr Enda Kenny and others should try to look at the bigger picture. - Is mise,



Castle Gate,

Dublin 2

Madam, - The comments of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Ahern, last week that it is only a matter of time before Sinn Féin is part of a coalition Government in this State only goes to show how far Fianna Fáil will stretch (or how low it will stoop) to stay in power.

It should be made clear in no uncertain terms that as long as the IRA remains functioning, no other political party should negotiate with it at any level of government.

While An Taoiseach's recent comments that Sinn Féin could not be considered for government in the Republic until the IRA has fully disbanded sound reassuring, we should remember that this is coming from a man who told the Dáil he had not met the same IRA when in fact he had, and also gave assurances that Garda Jerry McCabe's killers would not be released until their full terms had been served. - Yours etc.,



Co Cork.

A chara, - Senator John Minihan exhibits a great deal of arrogance when he states that "the Progressive Democrats will never help put Sinn Féin into government" (October 16th). Perhaps such arrogance is the consequence of his party, the PDs, holding powerful positions in Government which are totally disproportionate to the people's vote for that party.

In the recent local government elections Sinn Féin gained nearly three times the number of seats gained by the PDs and over twice their percentage vote. Consequently, it might be more realistic for Senator Minihan to contemplate the future probability that Sinn Féin will never help put the Progressive Democrats into Government. - Is mise,



Dublin 14.