Developing links with China

Madam, - Next month Ireland is due to sign a new agreement with China which will make it easier for Chinese tourists to visit…

Madam, - Next month Ireland is due to sign a new agreement with China which will make it easier for Chinese tourists to visit Ireland.

While I welcome any moves that will give Chinese citizens the chance to visit other countries, I regret that Ireland's rush to tap the Chinese market appears to disregard the appalling human rights situation in the country.

The Chinese Communist regime routinely threatens the independence of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and continues to brutally occupy and suppress Tibet, which is not part of China. In addition, it is a crime in China to belong to either Falun Gong or the Roman Catholic Church. Besides denying freedom of religion, the Chinese authorities also deny parents the freedom to have more than one child.

Ireland's developing relationship with China should be driven by ethical considerations, not the desire to make huge profits at the expense of an oppressed people. - Yours, etc.,


MARTIN GLEESON, Coolough Road, Galway.