Directorship Of IMMA

Sir, - I write to outline my concerns in regards to the current controversy surrounding the Irish Museum of Modern Art

Sir, - I write to outline my concerns in regards to the current controversy surrounding the Irish Museum of Modern Art. I am a member of the board of IMMA and was a member of the interview panel in our recent search for a new director.

Firstly, I wish to put on record that I strongly supported the appointment of Dr Brian Kennedy to the position of director. In my opinion we had found a candidate of outstanding abilities, capable of leading the museum into its next decade with an enthusiasm and an ambition that would have been most welcome.

There have been numerous suggestions in the newspaper media that the chairman, Marie Donnelly, alone attempted to press the appointment through and pressured the board to arrive at a hasty decision. This is simply untrue in both respects. I have in the past been critical on occasions of the chair's actions and have been vocal in that criticism. In this instance, the process and procedures adopted were adhered to openly and rigorously. It is regrettable that the proper and private workings of the board should become the subject of the leaks and media manipulation.

After the majority decision to appoint Dr Kennedy I was appalled at the conduct of my former colleagues from the board and from within the interview panel. Their conduct did no credit to themselves or service to the museum or to the Irish taxpayer. Further, I fear the precipitate and self-interested actions of the parties mentioned have irreparably damaged the professional standing and good name of Dr Kennedy.


I remain deeply committed to a vision for the museum, to carry it forward positively into its second decade with renewed vigour and ambition. I hope that those involved to date in this acrimonious dispute will put aside their differences and agendas and let IMMA get on with being a wonderful and enlightened museum and serving the people of Ireland and beyond. - Yours, etc.,

Felim Egan, Strand Road, Dublin 4.