Sir, - Hedgerows are among the most charming aspects of the Irish countryside. As all observers of nature will know, as well as being attractive to look at, they are the habitat of many small animals, particularly birds.

Until recent times, hedgerows were prevalent in areas of suburban Dublin. But they are fast disappearing, and with them disappears a wonderful part of our natural heritage. We hold this heritage in trust for future generations and we must not let this precious asset be lost.

As we approach the nesting season, far greater diligence must be given to the preservation of hedgerows. Their destruction has serious implications for the small bird and songbird population.

I am a public representative in south Dublin, which fortunately still has a natural network of hedgerows, albeit diminishing. I'm all for progress, but not at the expense of our natural heritage. County councils and those involved in development have a duty to protect and nurture, not destroy and cut down.


A greater awareness of the importance of our hedgerows and a willingness to protect them will be an enrichment for all. - Yours, etc.,


Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown

County Council,

Dun Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.