Discount tickets

Sir, - I am writing to congratulate CIE on their wonderful idea ("Smart cards to be brought in for Dublin bus and rail", November…

Sir, - I am writing to congratulate CIE on their wonderful idea ("Smart cards to be brought in for Dublin bus and rail", November 22nd) to offer "discounts" to people whose journeys on bus, Luas or rail in the capital require two or more legs.

I have just returned from Dusseldorf where, as in most European cities, public transport ticketing is based on the horribly outmoded concept that you pay once for the journey, no matter how many legs there are in it or whether you use bus, rail, tram or a combination of all three. This is probably because public transport itself in most of Europe is based on the equally outmoded idea that it is a service essential to all the citizens of the region, not an afterthought to be begrudgingly provided to losers who can't afford to clog up the roads with cars. I am sure that now Dublin is showing the way we can look forward to the rest of Europe swiftly following its example. - Yours, etc.,

Bass Tyrrell, Clonakilty, Co Cork.