Dismissals At Queen's

Sir, - Andy Pollak and Yvonne Healy have summarised the main headings of the current Queen's University dispute (The Irish Times…

Sir, - Andy Pollak and Yvonne Healy have summarised the main headings of the current Queen's University dispute (The Irish Times, September 11th). The vice-chancellor's group on future structures were "critical of research-inactive and mediocre staff in ... areas such as biology and biochemistry, chemistry [etc]." The university set about a programme of early retirements of academic staff, utilising, it seems, the results of the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) which measures, along with research productivity, the winning of outside funds by staff members.

It is understandable that this RAE breakdown into publications and funding should represent a rough general philosophy for universities from government and its auditors. However, it was hardly intended that a wooden application of RAE scores for individual staff should determine those to be dismissed from their posts.

A possible such case is that of two members of the chemistry department staff who have been targeted without, it appears, any grounds being given. Both are people of high and ongoing research achievement and are recipients of substantial international awards based on their research. Both, for this reason, have been admitted to membership of the Royal Irish Academy.

Much harm is likely to result from the heavy-handedness being shown by those in charge at Queen's. At the least, institutional self-interest would suggest the nurturing of its top scholars so that, through their standing in their subjects, these may continue to bring honour to the university and to inspire their younger colleagues and their students. - Yours, etc., John K. A. Clarke,


Leopardstown Park, Dublin 18.