Dog Dirt

Sir, - Alex Sullivan's letter (July 6th) could be taken to suggest that all dogs head to Sandycove to excrete the remains of …

Sir, - Alex Sullivan's letter (July 6th) could be taken to suggest that all dogs head to Sandycove to excrete the remains of their rabbit-flavoured meaty chunks. Let me assure him that this is not the case. Everywhere I take my children for a walk it is necessary to pursue a slalom course between never-ending piles of canine ordure. One becomes skilled at avoiding the faeces, but the sheer volume of it ensures that defeat is inevitable. How must it be for wheelchair users and the visually impaired?

The pedestrian walkways from Killiney to Howth are peppered with it. I have watched ostensibly respectable people look on nonchalantly as their dogs heave their droppings onto the middle of footpaths, play areas, football pitches and pedestrian areas. The law is not enforced and most dog owners will not pick up their dogs' droppings.

I think I may have a solution of sorts: Could I suggest to your dog-owner readers that they try to ensure that their dogs excrete at the edges of the pavements, football pitches and play areas instead of in the centre. This would be very helpful. - Yours, etc.,

Simon McAleese, South Hill, Dartry, Dublin 6.