Don’t blame the councillors

Sir, – James Pike of O'Mahony Pike Architects ("Dublin City Centre is in a sorry state", Letters, May 11th) suggests there are no champions for the public realm of Dublin City among the elected members of Dublin City Council. I wonder how many Dublin City Council agendas Mr Pike has read?

Blaming all the council members for all the problems facing Dublin city centre would be like me blaming every architect for the appalling buildings and poor design littering our city.

Yes, of course, Dublin deserves better. But to get there it needs a better structure and system of local government. In my experience Dublin city councillors want to do a better job but a centralised controlled system more compatible with the structures of the former Soviet Union must first be broken in order to let that creativity flow. In the meantime, I won’t blame all architects. – Yours, etc,





Dublin 4.