Don't change Lyric's tune

Sir, - I refer to an article in your Saturday magazine of April 28th entitled "A Change of Tune at Lyric"

Sir, - I refer to an article in your Saturday magazine of April 28th entitled "A Change of Tune at Lyric". This contains a most alarming implication that RTE is seriously considering turning Lyric into a background classical music station with the object of increasing listener numbers. That would probably mean putting an informal sound levelling machine on all the output, thereby eliminating the wonderful fortissimos and real pianos from the music. This would destroy the station for anybody really musical.

Nowadays people talk about public service broadcasting without really knowing what it means. Lyric FM is public service broadcasting at its very best. Well done, RTE. Please don't change Lyric one little bit. - Yours, etc.,

John W. Miley, Island View, Malahide, Co Dublin.