Dr Connell On Contraception

Sir, - On the Late Late Show of March 5th, the Book of Genesis was cited repeatedly as an argument that God condemns contraception…

Sir, - On the Late Late Show of March 5th, the Book of Genesis was cited repeatedly as an argument that God condemns contraception. God was displeased with Onan - a man who practised a form of contraception (Genesis 38:9). Onan's action, however, was just part of a larger refusal of responsibility, and it was the larger refusal which was condemned, not the specific contraceptive means.

The case is like that of a person who, to avoid a genuine duty of driving someone home, takes a few drinks. What is wrong is not drink as such; it is the larger avoidance of responsibility. Using such a case to say alcohol was inherently wrong would be a distortion. The issue of contraception must be decided on grounds other than Genesis 38. - Yours, etc., Thomas Brodie,

Tallaght, Dublin 24.