Dramatic depravity

Madam, - I write to you because as the editor of the leading journal of these islands I think your main drama critic should have…

Madam, - I write to you because as the editor of the leading journal of these islands I think your main drama critic should have something more to say about the most depraved and disgusting play, if you can call it a play, that has in my experience ever been staged.

In nearly 65 years of attending performances in Dublin, London and New York I have never seen anything that has impelled me to express myself publicly in this way. Is it that the assumption of the importance of the private individual has at last overridden the necessity of considering his or her reactions with other people and is this why it was presented in the Samuel Becket Theatre?

I see that in my anger I have forgotten to name the item to which I refer: it is, of course, Tragedia Endogonidia. - Yours, etc.,



Oak Park Road,
