Drawing new lines in Limerick

Madam, - Your editorial "A new face for Limerick" (April 11th) correctly identifies the constricted city area and the concentration…

Madam, - Your editorial "A new face for Limerick" (April 11th) correctly identifies the constricted city area and the concentration of social disadvantage as being root causes of the ongoing problems in Limerick city.

Likewise, John Fitzgerald's report has proposed an immediate extension of the city's boundary to the north of the Shannon up to the Clare border. Worryingly, the Department of the Environment's press release on the Fitzgerald report did not mention the boundary extension at all.

I first met Minister for the Environment Dick Roche on this issue in 2004. He gave a firm commitment then that he would resolve Limerick's boundary issue one way or another.

I met him on several more occasions over the next two years. Each time he reiterated that he was elected to make decisions and would make a decision on the boundary very soon.


Three years later, no decision has been made.

In ignoring the boundary issue the Minister is guilty of base political cowardice. He has failed to live up to the responsibilites of his office and must bear his share of the blame for the ongoing problems in parts of Limerick city. - Yours, etc,

Cllr DIARMUID SCULLY, Lynwood Park, Limerick.