Drinkaware and the alcohol industry

Sir, – Further to "Harris asks media to stop using alcohol industry-funded resources" (News, December 27th), the Drinkaware website and its resources include extensive references to the HSE, Department of Health, the World Health Organisation and other indisputably credible sources, which surely cannot be likened to disinformation or misinformation.

Regarding funding, the Government-lauded and vibrant charity and community sector in Ireland is reliant on industry donations. The important point is that independence is mandatory for formal charity status, which Drinkaware has been granted by the Charities Regulator .

The bottom line here is that alcohol is an issue in Ireland.

As a charity, Drinkaware is working to address this issue.


The numbers speak for themselves.

Tens of thousands of Irish people every month engage with the charity and look to Drinkaware to provide consumer-friendly information and advice that is based on evidence and fact. They do so because Drinkaware has earned their trust more than other organisations (80 per cent of the adult population see Drinkaware as the leading source of trusted information on alcohol – Barometer 2019, Behaviour & Attitudes).

That trust gives us our mandate and our mission, to prevent and reduce the misuse of alcohol, a goal which is shared by the Department of Health, the Government, health institutions, and communities across the country.

Why try to discredit and indeed silence the trusted work of a registered charity that is making a positive and measurable contribution to a common goal? – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,


Merrion Square North,

Dublin 2.