'Drinking Irish' label lives on

Madam, – Keith Nolan (May 25th) is absolutely correct in assuming that Ireland is now run by Diageo

Madam, – Keith Nolan (May 25th) is absolutely correct in assuming that Ireland is now run by Diageo. It is incomprehensible that this powerful vested interest should have been given the platform that it received during the visits of the British monarch and the US president.

At a time when Ireland is at the top of the several international league tables for alcohol abuse, when the health and social costs of excessive alcohol consumption in this country are at unprecedented levels, those to whom the well being of our people is entrusted – our Government – handed golden opportunities to a drinks company to exploit them for all they were worth.

It was expected that the visits would offer the opportunities Ireland so badly needs to project some new and more positive images. Clearly, the US President swilling down a pint and Queen Elizabeth politely declining one will be the abiding memory that many at home and many millions abroad will have.

That, of course, was the intention; and the old stereotype of the drinking Irish is perpetuated. It would seem that what is good for Guinness is good for Ireland. Now that’s power. – Yours, etc,


Deel Medical Centre,

Crossmolina, Co Mayo.