Driving Standards

Sir, - Douglas McCowen (September 29th) in response to my recent letter has offered valuable advice to avoid being tailgated, …

Sir, - Douglas McCowen (September 29th) in response to my recent letter has offered valuable advice to avoid being tailgated, but, in letting the offender pass out to his/her doom, the problem is not going to be resolved.

I congratulate Douglas on being a member of not one but two institutes of advanced motorists, and would like to think that my own driving skills would qualify me for membership of either institution. I do, however feel that he has missed the point of my original letter.

The Department of the Environment must be applauded for the campaign to reduce speeding on the roads, but it can do a lot more to make people aware of other problems - driving in wet or icy conditions, driving too close to the vehicle in front, and basic courtesy to other road users, to highlight but a few. I would also call on the members of the various institutes of advanced motorists to assist the Department in making our roads safer for the average car driver. - Yours, etc.,

Robin D. Heather, Dunbur Lower, Wicklow Town.