Driving testers

Sir, – Isn’t it ironic to hear that driving testers with almost three years of continuous service are being forced to leave the Road Safety Authority when driving test waiting times are at an all-time high. Testers who were recruited in a costly recruitment campaign in 2017 and 2018, and who worked through the Covid pandemic, are to be let go before Christmas 2021. The reason seems to be avoidance of permanent jobs for these testers. Instead, new temporary testers are being recruited, at great cost to the taxpayer.

The Road Safety Authority is saying their hands are tied as the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform is not sanctioning more than 100 permanent driver testers countrywide. In the meantime, workers and students are unable to get a date for a driving test, despite having applied 14 months ago; others are unable to secure employment without a current full EU licence; and 10 experienced testers are set to lose their jobs just before Christmas. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.