Drug Payments Scheme

Sir, - I write regarding the new Drug Payments Scheme introduced last July by the former Minister for Health, Mr Cowen

Sir, - I write regarding the new Drug Payments Scheme introduced last July by the former Minister for Health, Mr Cowen. It replaced the two former schemes, the drug subsidisation scheme and the drug refund scheme. The "new" scheme was to have implications other than a simple name change. An increase from £32 per month to £42 per month was introduced. This represents a whopping 30 per cent increase in prescription costs for individuals and families alike.

Unfortunately, the 30 per cent increase did not end there. Mr Cowen, under the "new" scheme, restricted a large number of items covered under the previous drug schemes. In January this year, having paid the obligatory £42, I was forced to pay a further £43 to obtain Deltasoralen tablets, used in the treatment of psoriasis.

My doctor at Hume Street Hospital prescribed these tablets. My total outlay was £85 and compared with the old £32 per month drug scheme meant a 170 per cent increase. Another item, Tar Pomade, also used in the treatment of psoriasis, previously covered under the old drug scheme and prescribed by my doctor, must now be paid for. Tar Pomade costs £13 per 400 grams and could easily be used in any fourweek period by someone with chronic psoriasis. I have spoken to other people who use this "new" drug payment scheme and similar stories emerge of a very unhealthy increase in the costs of prescribed medication. - Yours, etc.,

Christy Hogan, Ringsend Road, Dublin 4.