Drug Treatment Facilities

Sir, - I read the two reports concerning resistance, by both local and business groups, to the establishment of drug treatment…

Sir, - I read the two reports concerning resistance, by both local and business groups, to the establishment of drug treatment facilities in South Dublin and Dun Laoghaire (July 5th) with a feeling of frustration and sadness.

Heroin addicts are suffering from an illness. A maintenance programme, using the heroin substitute methadone, is internationally accepted as one of the best ways of treating this illness.

No-one would suggest that we should not provide a diabetic with the insulin necessary to stabilise his condition. Why should heroin addicts be treated any differently? The "not in my backyard" attitude shown by local community groups to the setting up of drug treatment centres shows a complete lack of compassion towards some of the most damaged and vulnerable members of their own communities. I would ask those people who are opposing treatment facilities in their own locality to stop and think what their attitude would be if it were one of their own sons or daughters who was trapped by this terrible addiction.

Opposition by local business groups appears to be another manifestation of the "mefeiner" mentality that seems to have developed in our country alongside the growth of the so-called Celtic tiger. Perhaps the compelling testimony of the heroin addicts quoted by your reporter might persuade such business groups that it is at least in their own self-interest to support the setting up of these drug treatment centres. The quote by one of the addicts receiving treatment (talking about her prospects if the treatment were stopped): "You'd have no choice but to go back robbing", says it all.


Although there are some who may argue that heroin addiction is a self-inflicted condition, this does not mean that society should shirk the responsibility of trying to help those of its members who fall victim to it; no more than we would consider refusing to help people who are addicted to alcohol.

We may pride ourselves that we live in a Christian society. But attitudes like those shown to the setting up of these treatment centres convince me that if Christ re-appeared in our midst tomorrow we would crucify him again. - Yours, etc.,

Martin Cooke, Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim. mcooke2 email: mcooke2iol.ie Tel: ++ 353 78 48201

Tax Allowance For Homework

Sir, - I have a proposal for the Minister for Finance.

From my home-based office, I hear the daily traffic reports of congested arterial roads, accident black spots and occasional city gridlock. Home-based office workers do not, on a twice-daily basis, contribute to commuter pollution, traffic congestion, parking clutter and environmental damage. To acknowledge this, they should be rewarded with a tax rebate.

This tax rebate would encourage commuter workers to consider home-based alternatives, and companies could be offered tax incentives to offer greater flexibility to their workers, using information technology. With networked computers, the Internet, email and faxes, it is possible to have clients/employees based off-site, reducing costs and overheads for all concerned. The tax rebate would be more than offset by the improved travel conditions for essential commuters. - Yours, etc.,

Clara Clark, Blackrock, Co Dublin.