Dublin Bus and female drivers

Sir, – I was incredibly disappointed to see our national newspaper publish such a reductive and unnecessary comment on the female driver recruitment open day at Dublin Bus (Paul Williams, August 14th).

While it is still somewhat rare to see a female driver on a Dublin Bus, the company has shown a clear effort to celebrate gender diversity (unlike the letter-writer). Just last year it won an award for their gender transition policy, and personally, I look forward to seeing more gender diversity behind the steering wheels of public transport in Dublin. – Yours, etc,




Co Louth.

Sir, – My thanks to David Doyle (August 15th) for pointing out that women make up less than 3 per cent of drivers at Dublin Bus.

My answer to that is, so what?

The only criterion for deciding who gets to drive a bus, should be that person’s ability to do so safely. Whether they are male or female is irrelevant. – Yours, etc,


Kilkee, Co Clare.