Dublin football and Covid rules

Sir, – If the reports of the Dublin GAA football team training in breach of Covid regulations are accurate, the consequences should be severe for those involved ("Dublin players photographed breaking Covid-19 lockdown rules", Sport, April 1st).

Government has asked that we go a little bit further, and we do. Golfers, tennis players and children are behind the limited amount of GAA inter-county players in the queue to return to sport. Questions need to be answered as to why they are deemed more worthy and then take it upon themselves to step across the start-line before the starter’s gun goes. If it were the Olympics, they would be disqualified. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – The ongoing surprise is not that we see GAA county and club teams training, but that it’s taking the Government so long to catch up with the people. Anyone can see the greatly increased road and pedestrian traffic in our hardware stores, towns and villages and kids playing in parks, etc, to know that many people have by now already decided and made their choice between the intolerable present and the theoretical worst. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.

Sir, – Following on from Golfgate and vaccinations given out of turn at the Beacon Hospital, some Dublin footballers are now caught in a breach of Covid-19 rules. How can people with a high profile be so slow on the uptake? When will they cop on that one can no longer flagrantly break the Covid-19 rules – someone will squeal! – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.

Sir,– Footballers playing football on a football pitch! Whatever next?

Is that someone thinking about meeting a few friends outside? Quick, call the thought police! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.