Dun Laoghaire baths plan

Madam, - Could I have the second-last word on the Dun Laoghaire Baths controversy?

Madam, - Could I have the second-last word on the Dun Laoghaire Baths controversy?

It appears to me that the councillors have scant respect for the people they were elected to represent. If a random poll were taken today in the town of Dun Laoghaire, I feel certain that at least 80 per cent of respondents would be strongly opposed to the proposed 180-apartment complex on the seafront.

Already, the Sandycove and Glasthule Residents' association and the Save Our Seafront protest march have made their opinions known on the issue. The vast majority of people I have spoken to in the area over the past week have been adamant that the proposed development should not go ahead.

Such a high-rise development would not be acceptable in Ballymun. So why should it be accepted in Dun Laoghaire?


A low-rise non-residential development, comprising swimming pool, gym and café would bring in much-needed revenue for the council without obliterating the wonderful sea views and turning what should be a public recreation ground into exclusive apartments.

In a democratic society politicians are elected by the free vote of the people, and should therefore have some respect for the opinions of those who put them in positions of power. Otherwise, they should not expect to be elected again. - Yours, etc,

PATRICK J.BYRNE, St Helen's, Sandycove, Co Dublin.