Dutch Orangeism

Sir, - I am totally in agreement with Mick Finnegan's excellent letter of May 26th, except for his final remark about Orangeism…

Sir, - I am totally in agreement with Mick Finnegan's excellent letter of May 26th, except for his final remark about Orangeism being a Dutch import. Having lived in Holland, I can vouch for the Dutch as a very tolerant, laidback, open-minded people. Black- and brown-skinned people are integrated into society in a way which puts Ireland to shame. While oranje is still the national colour, it is regarded as a symbol of tolerance and inclusiveness, instead of denoting bigotry and divisiveness as it does in Northern Ireland. When the Queen of Holland was interviewed on RTE Radio some years ago, she permitted herself this very point. - Yours, etc., Dr Hugh Dunne,

Chandler, Arizona, USA.