Duty-Free Luas

Sir, - The perfect solution for two of our most pressing problems, Luas and Duty-Free Sales - Combine the two.

Sir, - The perfect solution for two of our most pressing problems, Luas and Duty-Free Sales - Combine the two.

Let the Government announce that Duty-Free Sales outlets would be available on all Luas coaches when in operation. Immediately there would be a call from politicians, businessmen, members of the professions, the general public, Chambers of Commerce, Trades Unions, etc to abandon all Judicial Inquiries into the Luas routes, and to get on with the job.

Whether it runs underground, overground, or in the air, is of little importance now, just get it running, and fast. To heck with the disruption. What disruption? Money is no longer a problem, as any outlay would soon be paid back by the volume of Duty Free sales and sheer numbers of potential passengers trying to get on board.

Imagine the joyous expectation of one-time motorists at the prospect of slaking their thirst with a dram of Jameson or Southern Comfort, followed by a cigar or cigarette, all at cut-prices, on the way to the office. Perhaps the ladies would prefer Vodka or Bacardi. No-one would have to worry about sore heads or the inability to stand up straight. Somebody else is doing the driving. Not a car in sight.


Charlie McCreevy would be ecstatic. A new public holiday would be created, to be known as Luas Day when duty-free sales would be allowed for 24 hours.

Finally, could we please have the first route through Drumcondra? - Yours, etc., Bernard McLeod,

Drumcondra, Dublin 9.