Economic Blockade Of Cuba

A chara, - Your readers may wish to know that for the ninth consecutive year a huge majority of UN countries voted last week …

A chara, - Your readers may wish to know that for the ninth consecutive year a huge majority of UN countries voted last week to condemn the 40-year-old US economic blockade of Cuba. This year 167 countries (including Ireland and Britain) supported Cuba in its continuing struggle against the blockade, with only the US, Israel and the Marshall Islands voting in favour. Four countries abstained.

Readers may also wish to learn that a delegation from the Cuba Support Group, Ireland is among over 3,000 delegates from 117 countries attending the World Conference of Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba which is currently taking place in Havana. International support for Cuba's right to national self-determination has never been greater. Is mise,

Douglas Hamilton, Co-ordinator, Cuba Support Group Belfast, Lower Crescent, Belfast 7.