Election of George Bush

Madam, - I am tired of reading commentators and letter writers criticising the American people for re-electing George W

Madam, - I am tired of reading commentators and letter writers criticising the American people for re-electing George W. Bush. If Ireland had been attacked on the same scale as the USA was on September 11th, 2001, we too would elect into office a right-wing, hard-nosed, "send in the troops" leader and reject any left-wing "let's talk about it" intellectual.

I admire Americans who are prepared to vote the way they themselves believe to be right, and not the way the rest of the world thinks they should.

Let we in Ireland and Europe accept the election result and try and work with the USA for economic and world security reasons and stop talking about what could have been. - Yours, etc.,

CHRIS MEGRAW, Oldbridge View, Lucan, Co Dublin.