Election posters

Sir,– Louth Tidy Towns Together is the network of Tidy Towns groups in Co Louth, and has written to all candidates in the presidential election seeking support for the elimination of posters in 10 specified towns and villages in the county.

A significant number of towns throughout Ireland have successfully implemented initiatives during previous elections and referendums to maintain poster-free environments withing their village and town centres, and 10 Tidy Towns groups in Louth now wish to join this growing movement by seeking a voluntary commitment from all candidates not to erect posters within the 50km/h speed limits of their respective villages and towns.

This commitment would help enormously in supporting hard-working Tidy Towns volunteers in their ongoing and relentless efforts to present their areas in the most aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sustainable manner possible.

With the current emphasis on the elimination of single use plastics it seems like an appropriate time to assess the need for, and effectiveness of, election and referendum posters. We also feel that, in addition to the aesthetic and environmental considerations, the cost of any postering campaign needs to be considered in terms of value for money and effectiveness given the alternative social media and other communication options that are available nowadays.


We hope that our request will be positively considered in the interest of the exceptionally high standard of presentation, proper resource management, and to support the work of Tidy Towns volunteers in these towns and villages in our county. – Yours, etc,





Louth Tidy

Towns Together,


Dundalk, Co Louth.