Election victory of Barack Obama

Madam, - Denis Staunton writes that the Obama family "which, half a century ago, could not have eaten at the same lunch counter…

Madam, - Denis Staunton writes that the Obama family "which, half a century ago, could not have eaten at the same lunch counter as their white neighbours in parts of the US, was about to move into the most prestigious address in the country - and their success seemed to elevate all of us" ( The Irish Times, November 6th).

Dare one dream that we in Ireland, even after the lapse of another half a century, might see a a man or woman from our Traveller community elected to the presidency here? And might we feel elevated by the thought of the family "settling" in Áras an Uachtaráin? - Yours, etc,

FRED O'CALLAGHAN, Deansgrange, Co Dublin.

Madam, - According to Brian Flanagan (November 6th), Mother Teresa believed that abortion was "the greatest destroyer of world peace". And there was I naïvely assuming that xenophobia, racism, religion (yes, religion), lust for power, greed for natural resources and, of course, war were among the greatest destroyers of world peace.


Mr Flanagan laments that "any slight progress made against abortion during the Bush administration will now be reversed". Does he also condemn Bush's murder of men, women, children and foetuses during the course of his unjust and vile "war on terror"? - Yours, etc,

SEAN MOORE, Millmount Terrace, Drogheda, Co Louth.

Madam, - The attraction of Barack Obama can be summarised in his response when it was revealed that Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, was pregnant at the age of 17. Rather than try to pretend this was an issue, he simply replied that his own mother had him when she was 18.

No political point-scoring, no obsession with the opposition, just getting on with a positive campaign and getting his message out while showing common decency along the way. Would that we could do the same in Irish politics. - Is mise,

JAMES McINERNEY, Harold's Cross, Dublin 6.